FWG publications are freely available for public use.
Neighborhood-Driven Policing Revisited (2021)
Planning for the Future: A Primer for Police Leaders on Futures Thinking (2019)
The Future of Forensic Science (2018)
The Future of School Violence (2018)
Mass Victimization: Promising Avenues for Prevention (2015)
Terrorism, Gangs, and Weapons of Mass Destruction (2013)
Police Decision Making: A Futures Perspective (2010)
The Electronic Donut Shop: Networking in the Information Age (2004)
Improving Our View of the World: Police and Augmented Reality Technology (2003)
Incorporating Local Police Agencies into a National Intelligence Network (2008)
Policing 2020: The Future of Crime, Communities, & Policing (2006)
Volume 8: Trust and Transparency (2018)
Volume 7: Allies & Adversaries (2011)
Volume 6: Advancing Police Leadership (2010)
Volume 5: Future Challenges of Cybercrime (2010)
Volume 4: The Police & The Military (2008)
Volume 3: Policing & Mass Casualty Events (2007)
Volume 2: Homeland Security 2015 (2006)
Volume 1: Neighborhood Driven Policing (2005)